Roman Numerals Converter
This translation tool allows you to convert to and from roman numerals. Simply enter into the box either a whole numeric value between 1 and 3999 or a set of roman numerals. Then, let the converter do the rest.
Translate from:
Enter either a whole numeric value or a set of roman numerals below.
Translation result
A list of all roman numerals and their values are available further down this page.
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Roman numeral symbols
Below is a list of roman numeral symbols and their numeric value.
Roman numerals history
Roman numerals were the standard system of numbering used by the Romans in ancient Rome. Used primarily for counting, they were adapted from the Etruscan numerals system. The original system of numerals used in the classical era was altered slightly in the Middle Ages, resulting in the numeral system that we use today where letters represent values as numerals.
Some of the common uses of roman numerals in everyday life include use in clock faces, chapter numbering and copyrighting in books, and numbered lists. Sometimes dates are given in Roman numerals for the dating of movies and television programmes. Also, some sporting events, such as the Olympics, the Superbowl and Wrestling events use them.
If you take one of each individual roman numeral and add them together the total is 1666.
Roman numerals charts
The fabulous folks at have created some great roman numerals cheat sheets for quick reference of this ancient numbers system. So, do head over there and download them.
Roman numerals explained
With roman numerals it's not just important to note each numeral itself, but also the order in which they appear. For example, when a smaller number appears infront of a larger number it means that the smaller number should be deducted from the larger one. If the smaller number appears after it, it gets added.
An example: IX means 9 (10-1), where as XI means 11 (10+1).
There are, of course, rules to bear in mind. To learn more about roman numerals, where they came from and how they work, see the article all about roman numerals.
The roman numerals converter script on this page was adapted from a script created by Steven H Gibbs.
Roman Numerals Converter
Select the type of conversion, either whole number (Hindu-Arabic number) to roman numeral or roman numeral to whole number .
Roman Numerals
Symbols Of Roman Numerals
Because, overlines and double overlines ( M , M ) are difficult to use in computer user interface, the alternative symbol using single and double brackets (M) and ((M)) are used in recent years.
Below is the table of conventional and extended roman numeral symbols along with the recent alternative symbols using brackets instead of overlines.
Rules Of Roman Numerals
There are few set of rules to be followed while using roman numerals. Initially, in the conventional system, the romans used only up to 3,999. So, the rules were based on the numerals up to 3,999. Later on, when more symbols are added to extend the numeral, few more rules were added on to accommodate the new symbols.
Repetition Rule
- The symbols I, X, C, M, I , I , X , C , M , I , X , C , M can be repeated in succession only up to three times. For example, 8 is represented as VIII .
- The Symbols V, L, D, V , L , D , V , L , D should not be repeated. they can be used in a number only once.
Addition Rule
When a symbol of lesser value is in the right of a symbol of a similar value or greater value then the symbols should be added.
For example, If the number is represented as XV then the value of X and V should be added, i.e. XV = 10 + 5 = 15
Subtraction Rule
When a symbol of lesser value is in the left side of a symbol of a greater value then the symbols should be subtracted.
Subtraction rule comes in effort only when a number cannot be generated using the addition rule.
For example, If the number is represented as IX , then the value of I should be subtracted from X , i.e. IX = 10 - 1 = 9 .
When a symbol of smaller value is placed in between two symbols of greater value, it shouls be subtracted from the symbol on the right.
It should not be added to the the symbol on its left.
For example, If a number is represented as LIX , then then the value of I should be subtracted from X , i.e. LIX = L + (X - I) = 50 + (10 - 1) = 59 .
Larger Numbers
To represent numbers beyond 3,999 a single-overline or double-overline can be added to the basic conventional symbols so as to multiply the number by 1,000 or 1,000,000 respectively.
For Example:
X = 10 x 1,000 = 10,000 (Ten Thousand).
X = 10 x 1,000,000 = 10,000,000 (Ten Million).
Roman Numerals Converter
This simple Roman Numerals Converter can be used at any time to convert numbers to Roman numerals. If you need to make conversion from Arabic numbers to Roman numerals, simply enter the number to the box on the right, and press the button 'Convert to Roman'. You will get the exact representation of the number in Roman Numeral Symbols.
Number to Roman Numerals Conversion Examples
- 14 = XIV
- 79 = LXXIX
- 225 = CCXXV
- 845 = DCCCXLV
- 2022 = MMXXII
Roman Numeral Symbols
- I = 1
- V = 5
- X = 10
- L = 50
- C = 100
- D = 500
- M = 1000
Roman Numerals Conversion Table
Recent Comments
Please make a roman numeral for zero.
How do i write twenty trillion, nine hundred billion and sixty seven million in roman numeral ?
can someone tellme the difference betwixt 1910 & 1949 in roman numerals
what is 4-9-2017 in roman numerals please
87320 to convert in roman
what is 07/10/2017 in roman numbers.
what is 3,000 in roman numerals?
Tnx for this website I answer my homework
Came across MDCDVI as a publication date. This converter gives that as: 1600, which is obviously wrong.
I believe the correct answer would be 1906 (1000+500+(500-100)+6)
i cheated in my homework with this website
Thanks for a great web page! But there is a bug in your converter. If you enter MCMXLIX in the Roman Numerals to Number part, it will say 1910 when it should be 1949.
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D a VI d Calm Yourself !! We all love roman numerals here omg
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MMMMMMMMMM equals 10000
I was doing homework on converting numbers to roman numerals, my number was 61247828 and I couldn't convert it
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Why does it not let me type in MCCCXXXVII?
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I have a book published, roman numerals mcmxxxv. What year, please.
I WANT TO CONVERT 03/01/2016
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Roman numerals converter
Roman numerals conversion calculator and how to convert.
Roman numerals converter
Enter the Roman numeral or number and press the Convert button: